The Underdog Wins With Emotion

The Underdog Wins With Emotion

Hopefully I’m not overstating the obvious, but one of the key weapons the underdog has, is emotion. The power to win through emotion is so powerful that it gives the underdog the ability to win battles against far larger opponents. By virtue of being the...
Nothing to Lose

Nothing to Lose

There is something that both rich and poor have in common. They both operate from a place of taking more risks because they have nothing to lose. That is not to say that the rich are not far more comfortable, and that it’s a better place to operate from. But the...
Countries Are Weird

Countries Are Weird

If you’re a cow or a bird, we’re like, ya whatever. If you’re a human animal, we’re like, you’re gonna need to ask permission to go past that hill (even if you were born there), and you’ll need to bring a little book with you. The...
Tales from my Childhood – Chapter #1: Kindergarten

Tales from my Childhood – Chapter #1: Kindergarten

I hated Morah Tova for about 12 years. I was proud of how much I hated her. My mother says she was a frustrated artist. I remember telling her she was not invited to my birthday party. She seemed unfazed. I hated going to kindergarten. I would cry, I am told, every...
Bas Melech

Bas Melech

You’re the daughter of a King! A king! How awesome is that? Not as awesome as being a son, apparently. I’ve heard, ad nausem, all the apologetic explanations about how women are not less, they’re just DIFFERENT. How the true home is built around the Jewish woman...
Tales from my Childhood – Chapter #2: Cheder

Tales from my Childhood – Chapter #2: Cheder

I used to walk by the cheder at any time of day or night and just hear singing from within. It was magical. At night, the lights would glow from the building. I would tell my mother “Some day I’m going to go there, right?” and she’d say “yes, when you’re big enough”....
Tales from Childhood – Chapter #3: Mishna

Tales from Childhood – Chapter #3: Mishna

We didn’t have summer vacation at school. We studied every single day of the year. So the transition from one grade to the next was a simple act of gathering up your books one morning and moving over to the next classroom. The transition to 6th grade, I was in for a...


For intellectual honesty’s sake, I’ll acknowledge that this cover is a criticism of a specific strain of Jewish culture, namely the Mussar movement and its contemporary expression in (Israeli) Charedi society. It’s important for me to emphasize this because in general...