Ad Server
Dashboard Redesign
A UX Case Study
The Jewish Content Network had built a proprietary ad server for their publishing niche, address the pressing issues they had with their own sales experiences.
Representing multiple publishers and a myriad of products, the original dashboard was a step away from excel sheets and emails towards a one stop service where you could set up a campaign, pay for it, and upload media all on your own.
A screenshot from the original dashboard

Pivot: A Focus on Sales Agents
Originally intended to be used by the end-user advertiser, upon closer examination of actual use patterns, it became clear that the main user was actually the sales agents, working within the company on the advertiser’s behalf.
These “power users” were setting up many campaigns per day, and it was necessary to create an experience that would streamline the process both of creating proposals for clients as well as quickly setting up multiple products once a proposal was approved.
To this end, I combined several ideas and existing tools into one, creating a time-saving experience that saved the sales agents hours of tedium and allowed them to focus on what they do best.
This single tool allowed sales agents to quickly generate proposals – seamlessly selecting from a wide array of products, quickly calculating the volume needed and the right discounts, and smoothly converting all accepted proposals into active campaigns in a single click.
Collaborative Redesign
The redesign process started by actively working with both end user advertiser clients as well as interviewing our in-house sales agents to observe their pain points and areas of confusion. I personally managed the company support chat to troubleshoot client issues, often live-viewing their screen to visually observe their experience.
Following up on this, I developed wireframes in Balsamiq to illustrate my vision for change and pitch it to key stakeholders. Once we reached approval, I personally collaborated with the development team to implement the actual updated dashboard and new features.
Result: Focus on Strengths
The result was an overall look and feel that was more modern and user friendly, accompanied by a host of key features that saved the company’s employees hours of time consuming and repetitive tasks, allowing them to instead focus on what they do best – make sales.