My Favorite Personal Finance and Investing Tools of 2020


I love personal finance.

I am not a financial adviser myself, but these are some of my favorite platforms that I have personally used for investment purposes. Any financial instruments listed below are brought as examples, and are not investing advice.

Personal Capital – Track your net worth

A great, free way to see all of your financial accounts in one place. It synchronizes with your banks, credit cards, investment accounts, and more, and tells  you your total net worth. You can also add real estate, vehicles, and other assets manually to keep track of those as well. Finally, they have an interesting retirement calculator where you can calculate different scenarios.

Affiliate Link to Personal Capital

Betterment – Invest on autopilot

Betterment is one of the top robo investors out there, the simplest possible way to create a diversified portfolio. You can create multiple accounts with them like regular investments or IRAs, and they give you a short quiz to figure out what kind of investment style best fits you based off your temperament and goals. Everything else is fully automatic. 

Affiliate Link to Betterment

M1 Finance pick and choose without the hassle

My new favorite, M1 allows you to automatically invest in groups of stocks or ETFs that you pre-define as a group. Say there are 10 companies you really like, and you want to automatically invest in all of them equally, M1 makes it easy to do so. I’ve used this to successfully focus on my investments in technology and real estate, and avoid sectors I’m less interested in, like retail or consumer goods.

Affiliate link to M1 Finance

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