Jonathan, the non-Jewish Therapist

Philosophy, Satire / Humor

With the help of AI, I am now able to attend to my true calling of being a children’s storybook author.

More Writings

Liberals vs. Conservatives

Liberals vs. Conservatives

I recently realized that my degree in sociology qualifies me to espouse opinions on all of society in a free and unlimited way. The very disadvantage of a degree that was supposed to be a Masters in Counseling Psychology is actually an advantage when it comes to...

We Need to Rethink How We Think About Therapy

We Need to Rethink How We Think About Therapy

Personally, mental health accessibility is one of the things I’m most passionate about. Firstly, because I have struggled extensively with mental health in my past, and know that emotional suffering often feels much worse than physical suffering. I wish to alleviate...