Parody Ads

Parody Ads

An ad that parodies Spinning’s stationary exercise bicycles. A mock ad for Ralph Lauren’s fictional line of clothing – “Nothing” – made of invisible material. A reference to “emperor’s new clothes” fable.  Mock-up...
Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing

Content marketing strategy coaching for BOMAH, a social media consultancy Itzik is an extremely charismatic storyteller and connector. After working for years in advocacy and marketing, he set out to found his own company, BOMAH, the Brand of Milk and Honey. From...
Creatives for Nefesh B’Nefesh

Creatives for Nefesh B’Nefesh

The copy on the left was conceived as part of a campaign for Nefesh B’Nefesh’s Guided Aliyah program. The program facilitates North Americans who are currently residing in Israel to become Israeli citizens.We chose to target the millennial demographic...
1711 Forrest Ave

1711 Forrest Ave

I bought this first property as a house hack within 6 months of moving to the US. I rent out two rooms downstairs and live upstairs with my own private bathroom. I cover my PITI and utilities and even have some change left over. I bought it off an investor at $20k...
1236 Primrose Ave

1236 Primrose Ave

This was my first investment property. It was a townhouse for sale as a foreclosure, at around 70% of its actual value. My agent found it for me through a wholesaler. I renovated the project for about $6,500, mostly cosmetic work. I placed a tenant there in the...